Meal Plan Monday: Whole Foods & Kim

Even though I’ve been writing for OAMM since January, I don’t think we’ve ever been formally introduced! I thought it would be nice to share a little about my family, our whole foods journey, and how I use OAMC.

I have three wonderful guys in my life: my husband, a chatty toddler (2.5), and a smiley baby (just turned 1, and just started walking and talking too). All three are very active and very hungry, so it is a good thing I love to cook.

As a college student and young wife I would go through spurts of trying to eat healthy based on the traditional dieting advice. But when I decided to have a natural birth attended by a midwife, I began rethinking the meaning of “healthy food.”

The journey of pregnancy, nursing, and introducing food to babies has led me to whole foods (or “real food”), and I’m still enjoying the journey, making changes one step at a time. The transition would have been much more difficult had I not discovered batch cooking through OAMM.

Because even though I am passionate about cooking, I still want to have time to date my husband, play with my boys, entertain friends, serve in my church, dig around in my little garden, and enjoy a good story.

Fiesta Salad and Vinaigrette


Menu Plan Monday

I have a small kitchen, a normal freezer (over the refrigerator), and a busy schedule. So I tend to batch cook smaller amounts every 2-4 weeks with a good friend and neighbor while the kids nap. We usually prepare homemade bread, 2-3 dinners, and one other staple for breakfast or snacks (i.e. muffins, granola, cookies, etc.).

I also do extra cooking on the weekends (including a big Saturday breakfast and the traditional Southern Sunday lunch) so that we can take advantage of leftovers during the week. I am not a morning person and it is easy to cheat on whole foods at breakfast. I no longer buy cereal, so if I don’t plan, we will be hungry.

I usually make some sort of baked item (muffins, pancakes, etc.) on the weekend that we can eat once or twice during the week. The other mornings we stick to staples. We have a pretty standard lunch rotation (due to a round of picky eating from my toddler), but I use leftovers to provide some variety.

A note about Friday nights: this is the one night I usually don’t plan. I find it fits our lifestyle to leave at least one night unscheduled. Usually we have dinner with friends or my husband and I have a date night. If all else falls through, we clean out the fridge! We also take it easy on Sunday evenings. Typically we have church activities, but not this week. Some of the dishes we’re making are scheduled to post on the blog this month, so keep your eye out for them on Thursdays.



Strawberry Banana Muffins




"Real" Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole




For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!

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