Once A Month Mom Cook Off

**Added 2/4/10 – Add your story/link up so that you can enter to win the great prizes listed below. You have until 2/8/10 at Midnight EST. The Once A Month Mom Cook Off is designed to motivate and inspire you to dive into once a month cooking (also referred to as power cooking, freezer cooking, oamc and bulk cooking). We want you to cook all or part of the February 2010 Once A Month Mom menu AND keep track of your spending on this project. It really isn’t too difficult of a task, especially when you are given all of the resources to accomplish it! OAMM Cook Off Throughout the month Amy from Amy’s Finer Things and I will be tracking our own spending towards our February cooking day. Amy will be bringing you some helpful hints for freezer cooking and will be chronicling her first time experience with a Once A Month Mom menu. Then, on a day(s) the first week of March, we will be tweeting, blogging and vlogging our experiences as we go. We will let you know when we will be cooking so that you can plan to join us. We would like you to do the same alongside us this month. When you are through, we want to hear all about your experience, either by reading it on your blog or in an email that you submit to us. Those of you that don’t have a blog, don’t worry! We will work to get your experiences posted on our sites so others can read about your triumphs and mishaps (yes, there will be mishaps)! And don’t fret, there is no one right way to do this. Some of you will have to make adjustments to the menu to suit your family, that is okay, we understand. The important part is that once you have completed your cooking day that you write about it either on your blog (make sure that you come and put your link in the linky that will be posted later this month) or email your story to us. We can’t wait to see what you have cooking in your kitchen this month! Happy Blogiversary and thank you for celebrating along with me. Here are the official contest rules: Once A Month Mom Cook-Off Prizes cuisinartelite12cupPrize #1 – Randomly selected from linky and submitted emails from those who fill all criteria listed below

Prize #2 – Randomly selected from linky and submitted emails from those who fill all criteria listed below

Prize #3 – Randomly selected from linky and submitted emails from those who fill all criteria listed below

Prize #4

Prize #5

Once A Month Mom Cook-Off Rules 1. You have until Monday, March 8th at midnight EST to complete the criteria for this contest. 2. You must complete all or part of the FEBRUARY 2010 Once A Month Mom Menu. 3. You must write about your experience either on your blog as a post OR by sending an email to info @ onceamonthmeals.com. If you write a blog post you MUST link up to the post in the linky that will be posted later this month at onceamonthmeals.com. Email submissions may be used as guest posts at onceamonthmeals.com or amysfinerthings.com. Your write up needs to contain the following:

  • A summary of your experience.
  • A report on your spending – needs to include total amount spent and # of meals made. (You can use the published February 2010 OAMM Grocery List – available February 1st – to make that easier or adapt based on your cooking plan.)
  • If sending an email – a 2-3 sentence biography about yourself.
  • If sending an email – attach any pictures that you have from the day.

So what do you think? Will you be joining us this month for the Once A Month Mom Cook Off?


Join the discussion
  1. I am so excited for this! I have been planning for a couple of weeks now on finally doing this after (5 years of dreaming!) Your Cook off has been the added motivation to do OAMC. Your blog is amazing! Thank you for all the work you put into it.

  2. Wow! Happy blogisarry!! I love the prices!!! How do i join with this contest? Do i have to be a member? 🙂

  3. I need a food processor SO badly. *g* But more importantly, I’m excited to try my second month of OAMC. Last month I adapted the menu to make 6 dishes (doubled) for my family for a total of 12 meals. We’re enjoying them now. Today I’ll start organizing my Feb. plan!

  4. What a great contest! Your OAMC is so inpiring.I really want to do it, this month is horrible for me time-wise. But, I want to put aside some food for when baby #3 makes her arrival in April…so I’d better get crackin!This may be the motivation I need! I am going to try!

  5. I’m hoping to get this done this month. I work full time and have an 8-month-old, so my time to do this is limited. I can manage, I think, if I break it into a few weekends instead of one big session. Or even a few evenings after work. I’m going it alone, so I have to sit down and change my grocery list around, but that isn’t too difficult. 🙂 I’m gonna try!

  6. OK so here’s a question…I am TOTALLY on board with the menu and I’m already plotting my shopping and just downsizing things a little…but because of work schedules and babysitting it’s nearly impossible for me to do all the cooking in one day. When I’ve followed your menus in the past I have done parts of the menu through the month, with the goal being to have everything cooked and frozen by the end of the month. Does that disqualify me since i’m technically not cooking “once”?

    1. That does not disqualify you. I think it will be most interesting to see how each person approaches the menus each month. It will definitely give readers a broad view of how this can be done. I’m glad you are participating.

      1. Oh good! I plan on posting my progress on my blog anyway, it just won’t be all at once 🙂 Can’t wait to get started!!!

  7. EEEE… We are so excited. I am on my third time now and have recruited my neighbors to join in. So we are doing 1.5 x’s the complete menu with no modifications. Already starting with the pictures, etc. We liked Feb’s menu, so are doing it this month, as in tomorrow. Can’t wait to see how it works with actual other mothers rather than my husband, who I love dearly, but is not quite as efficient as a mom tends to be. Great menu this month btw.

  8. I’m a scaredy cat. Everytime I try to once a month cook my family seems to think it means they are supposed to eat more often or larger portions.I did try to access the pancake cupcake recipe because it sounds interesting and that CUTCO knife set would be a Godsend to win. Is there another link to access it because the one I tried keeps telling me that it isn’t found?

    1. You can find the bulk version of it in the printable February 2010 menu. However, the site seemed to be down so I found another place that it was featured and fixed the link. You should be good to go now.

  9. I have a question about this contest… when you say “You must complete all or part of the FEBRUARY 2010 Once A Month Mom Menu.” Can you clarify that? Could “part” be one or two dishes? The reason I’m asking is my hubby is VERY picky and most likely would not eat more than one or two dishes from this menu… I’d love to enter, thanks!

    1. I don’t get specific in the criteria but I would like to see at least 3-4 of the recipes being used. You can make adaptions to fit your families needs if you would like. You don’t have to do it exactly as stated.

      1. thank you! I’ll try and see what I can adapt so he’ll at least try it! If I don’t get to enter, I don’t get to enter, at least I’m doing OAMC! Thanks!

  10. I plan on doing this with you. I’ll be making adjustments to make it gluten free. It’s been a little while since I’ve done OAMC, but I use to love it!

  11. I am kind of pumped up about this. I like checking on how much I am spending on my food, especially with the weird flours we have to use, so this should be a good budget check up for my gluten and dairy free family.Thanks for hosting such a fun (and useful) idea!

  12. Question: When it comes to keeping track of our spending, what about the items we already have in our pantry? I have a hard time remembering/guesstimating how much I spent on those…

    1. I actually don’t add in items that I had in my pantry and didn’t purchase that month. HOWEVER, that is because if I do buy flour or other ingredients that are getting used I don’t figure the amount that I used on the cooking day, I put the whole price. For example, if I need 3 lbs of flour for my cooking day and I have to buy a 5 lb bag I don’t estimate the cost for the 3 lbs, I just put in the cost of the whole bag. In my mind, what extra I buy and what I use from my pantry wash out. Or I end up having to buy additional the following month. Do what works best for you.

  13. I’ve finally found someone to do this with me. I didn’t want to do it alone. We are going to give it a go this weekend. I’m super excited!

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