Tricia’s Meal Plan Monday – 4/20

This is likely to be a pretty crazy week. We have lots of little things left to do to prepare for our first family vacation. And do we just get our toes wet, NO! We decide to drive all the way to Florida with our 8 month old. Pray for us! So you will see that menu planning may go by the wayside for a week or two. We will be back though!

Menu Plan Monday

  • Monday – Firecracker Pork Chops, vegetable, baked potatoes
  • Tuesday – RESCHEDULED dinner with friends (yes, third week in a row. Will we go this week? Stay tuned. . .)
  • Wednesday – Thursday – Orange Marmalade Salmon, rice
  • Friday – Leave for VACATION!!!!
  • Saturday – Lunch on the road We are packing the raspberry chicken in the cooler in the hopes of grilling it once we arrive. Mmm, yumm!

I’m not sure that either of us will be doing Menu Plan Monday for the next few weeks as we will be vacationing. Then again, I am pretty OCD so maybe I will even menu plan on vacation! 🙂 Stay tuned to find out. . . For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit! Also, you have until 9:00 pm (EST) today (April 20) to enter the Pampered Chef giveaway.

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