Menu Plan Monday

Tricia’s Meal Plan Monday – 4/13

On April 12, 2009 by Tricia

At the end of this week we are cooking our April Menu. I am not sure how it is that I am going to have enough room for all of this food! Seriously. We have A LOT of eating to do this week. So most of what you see on this week’s menu is from the March menu – it has to be eaten!

Menu Plan Monday

Tricia’s Meal Plan Monday – April 6

On April 5, 2009 by Tricia

This will be a busy week for us. We have something planned every night this week. So we are usually a lot of our freezer meals and keeping it simple this week when we are home.

A Month of Meals – April

On March 31, 2009 by Tricia

Writing out how we are going to utilize our Once A Month Mom Cooking (OAMC) meals really helped me to get organized for the month! Here is how we plan to use this month’s meals!

Keeping it Centsible

Blog Talk Radio Recording Now Available!

On March 26, 2009 by Tricia

If you missed the Keeping It Centsible Blog Radio Show (shame on you) you can still hear the great stuff that was shared. Come on in and find out how!

March Cooking Day – Recap

On March 26, 2009 by Tricia

Cortney and I completed our March Once A Month Cooking BIG DAY and lived to tell about it. Find out what we did and how you can save time and money by learning from us!

Zesting an Orange!

On March 25, 2009 by Tricia

Did you see Orange Zest in the Whole Wheat Orange Spice Muffins and wonder what to do? We have some answers for you!

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday – Tricia – March 23

On March 22, 2009 by Tricia

I haven’t cleaned out my freezer of last month’s meals enough to do our Once A Month Cooking BIG DAY this week. Looks like I am going to have to use all freezer meals if I want to make the most for my money!

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday-Cortney-March 23

On March 22, 2009 by Tricia

This week is actually kind of fun to plan…since I don’t have to do anything except eat at other people’s homes, pop in some freezer meals and go out of town.  Going to the Sweet 16 in Indy to root…

Food Processors & OAMC: Part 1 – Types of Food Processors

On March 17, 2009 by Tricia

I realize that I often take some knowledge, such as what items work in a food processor, for granted. In light of that I thought I would do a series of posts this week on using your food processor for OAM cooking. Today we will start with – “Are all food processors alike?”

A “Must Have” Kitchen Gadget

On March 17, 2009 by Tricia

I had a problem getting Evan, my 2 year old, to eat sandwiches. He likes to take apart the sandwich, eat the bread and leave everything else.  I was getting frustrated trying to give him peanut butter sandwiches because he…

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