Best of 2010: Breakfasts

All year I have been conducting polls on the best breakfast recipes from each menu. This is where you decide where the OAMM menu went RIGHT! After polling is completed for the year I like to do an overview post so that you can all see what some of the favorite recipes were. I know many times you are looking for the best recipes to try out with your families. So this is a look at what OAMM readers said were the best BREAKFAST recipes of 2010:

Homemade Pop Tarts

Homemade Pop Tarts

January 2010 Menu:

  • This was an all-star menu from 2009, no voting

February 2010 Menu:

March 2010 Menu:

  • Raisin Buddy Banana Muffins

April 2010 Menu:

Summer (May, June, July) 2010 Menu:

August 2010 Menu:

September 2010 Menu:

Bacon Quiche from Pinch My Salt

Bacon Quiche from Pinch My Salt

October 2010 Menu:

November 2010 Menu:

December 2010 Menu:

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