Best of 2010: Lunch

As I mentioned last week, it is time to start looking back at the “Best Of” from 2010. I couldn’t do it back in January when everyone else was posting theirs because we were still voting on items that had been made in December and were being cooked in January. But now we are up to speed and ready to roll. If you missed it last week, I started with the Best of 2010: Breakfasts. So this is a look at what OAMM readers said were the best LUNCH recipes of 2010:

Buffalo Chicken Wraps

Buffalo Chicken Wraps

January 2010 Menu:

  • This was an all-star menu from 2009, no voting

February 2010 Menu:

March 2010 Menu:

April 2010 Menu:

Summer (May, June, July) 2010 Menu:

Pizza Croissants

Pizza Croissants

August 2010 Menu:

September 2010 Menu:

October 2010 Menu:

November 2010 Menu:

December 2010 Menu:

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