Mother’s Day Kitchen Gift Guide: Introduction

Whether you are a mom making a wish list or you are shopping for your mom, grand-mom, wife, etc. you will want to take a peak at the ultimate Mother’s Day Kitchen Gift Guide from THE Once A Month Mom – the owner and founder of Once a Month Meals, Tricia. She’s had the opportunity to test and review numerous products in her own kitchen, and has an long list of favorites to share. 

Callahan Mothers

(From left to right) My mom, me, my sister

Mother’s Day is always a challenge to me. I don’t know what to get my mom. I don’t know what to tell my hubby to get me. I know, some of you are saying, “Oh, I don’t need a gift. My children are gift enough.” And I would say, “You are liars!” The sentiment may definitely be there, and as moms we don’t want to appear greedy or as if we have to get something, but the truth is, if hubby or the kids forget, they are in deep trouble! So let’s just be honest with one another and admit that we would like something that is thoughtful. Perhaps even practical. And definitely affordable. I have talked about essentials for Once A Month cooking sessions which is a great way to start searching for ideas. Here are some posts on the basics:

However, if your mom is like mine (she owns almost everything Pampered Chef sells) and has everything she needs, you might be surprised at some of the fun ideas coming your way this week. I was so tickled with so many of these great product ideas. In light of all the cooks that are lurking around this site, I thought it might be fun to provide you with a Mother’s Day Gift Guide.

Mother’s Day Kitchen Gift Guide

Here is a list of all of our gift guide posts by category. All of these posts will go up in the afternoon hours each day (as in AFTER lunch, you know, when the kids are napping).

Each day, the products that are highlighted are marked to indicate whether they will be included in Friday’s mega Mother’s Day Kitchen Gift Guide Giveaway, so stay tuned for what is ahead for you!

***This giveaway is now closed.***

How Do I Enter to Win the Prizes?

You can enter daily or on the Friday when the final prize page post comes out. You do not have to enter daily, but it will definitely increase your chances of winning the prize packages revealed on Friday.

  • Daily Entries
    • Each day as that gift guide comes out enter a comment on the item(s) that you would want as a mom or that you would want to get for the mom in your life and why.
    • I then suggest you email the link to this post to the “dad” in your life (or the one responsible for gift buying) with a little note that says, “Just in case you were wondering. . .” 🙂
    • Ask them to pay special attention to your comment so they know exactly what your little heart desires. You might even suggest that they comment on the link so they can win the prizes (never hurts to have more than one chance to win).
  • Friday Entries
    • On Friday, there will be additional ways that you can win the Mother’s Day Prize Packages that are revealed. Stay tuned.
    • Entries will be accepted until Monday, April 26th at midnight EST.
  • Winners
    • Winners will be chosen from the daily comments as well as from the entries on Friday’s post using
    • Winners will be revealed on Friday, April 30th.

Happy Mother’s Day Gift Guide Week!

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