Baby Food Pear Recipe

early start baby food menu

Baby Food Pear Recipe


  1. 3 lbs. of pears


  1. Place pears in stock pot and cover with water.  Bring to boil for 5 minutes or until pears are soft when forked.
  2. Drain.
  3. Puree in food processor.

    Yield: 26 oz. (stage 1 consistency) = 26 food cubes = 52 T


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  1. I was talking about baby food with a mom who had made it before (I haven’t yet) at Bed, Bath and Beyond and she said that the color, taste and texture changed when they were boiled so she recommended baking them. Have you done this before?

    1. It has been awhile but yes, I have done it this way. My kids always ate pears so I don’t think they cared, either way would work.

  2. Are pears freezable? I want to make these for my little guy but not 3 lbs. worth if they brown or go mealy when frozen… 🙂

    1. They are freezable. They will perhaps brown a bit but if you freeze them quickly you should have no problems. I did it a lot when my kids were that age.

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