Baby Food Peas Recipe

early start baby food recipe

Baby Food Peas Recipe


  1. 1 lb. frozen peas


  1. 1/8 c. of water
  2. Steam peas until soft.  Puree in food processor. Then press through food mill.
  3. After food mill, add water slowly until desired consistency.

Yield: approximately 12 oz (stage 1 Gerber) = 12 food cubes = 24 T


Join the discussion
  1. Is it okay to refreeze frozen peas? I think this would be so convienent! I spent nearly an hour popping peas out of their pods the other day and only got 1/8 cup of peas ;(

    1. As long as you cook the frozen peas, then puree, you can refreeze the puree. Any frozen food needs to be cooked first before refreezing.

  2. So i bought a bag of peas yesterday only to find out when i got home the whole bag had 200mg of salt in it. Do you think it would be bad to use that for baby food?

    1. Sprouts (in several states, lots of stores in California) carries frozen organic peas with no salt added, Cascadian Farm brand from Washington.

  3. Hi! I love your Website and am determined to start making my own baby food tomorrow. Do you only buy frozen veggies, or do you use fresh ones as well? Thanks!

    1. I use fresh vegetables whenever they are in season and available at a reasonable price. I use frozen out of convenience sometimes though to “balance” the monthly menu. Enjoy! And let me know how it goes.

    1. I do have a food mill and used it for peas and green beans. It depends on how fine you can get them and what stage your baby is at. Stringing them well before you cook them helps too.

  4. My friend told me about your site because I make baby food too. I’ve done frozen peas, boiled until softened, then pureeed with formula/breastmilk to the right consistency. I also add just a dash of garlic every now and then to let his taste buds explore.

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