How I Once A Month Cook: Lisa

Are you loving the Get Started series and seeing how all of the writers really cook? I know that I am! Everyone uses Once a Month Meals just a little differently, but still achieves the same ending goal of stocking the freezer with yummy meals for their families. As a mom of 5 kids juggling cooking, kids activities, personal commitments and life in general is a daunting daily task.  I don’t have time to cook every evening, but still want to have something hot on the table at supper time.

What works best for me is to take advantage of the 1-2 hour stints throughout the week that I can whip together 1 or 2 meals to stockpile the freezer with. Along with weekly menu planning, this takes the stress and hassle of that dreaded 5 o’clock hour and wondering what to serve my hungry brood. Stayed tuned to see how all of us at OAMM have our own unique ways of doing our freezer cooking!


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  1. I look forward to the rest of your posts in this series! I have never done once a month cooking although I used to freeze quite a bit away when my girls were little.

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