Diet Once a Month Mom Recipe Link-Up

Now that you’ve heard the announcement of the all new Diet Freezer Menu, I want to personally let you know how excited I am for this! I’ve been scouring the internet for mouth-watering, healthy recipes and have loved what I’ve found so far. Very few recipe sites have nutritional information included, though, so that’s where you come in. Send us your favorite Diet Recipes!I’ve heard that you guys are amazing cooks and have fantastic recipes so…I’d like to invite YOU to participate in the making of the Diet Once a Month Meals menu! If you’ve written about a healthy breakfast, lunch, or dinner recipe on your blog and you just know it would be a perfect fit for the Diet menu, link it up in the appropriate section below. (No worries, you don’t have to worry about it being freezer friendly, you might be surprised what we can do!) I’ll review your links each month and will possibly include one or more in the monthly menu! Let me give you a heads up about something though – recipes that include nutritional information (calories, fat, fiber, carbs, protein) will have a greater chance of being included in a menu. *hint!* *hint!* I can’t wait to see what you have to share!


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  1. After baby 3 I’m so excited to combine my love for freezer cooking with a healthier mind set. I just re-started weight watchers and am so excited to find some point friendly, family friendly, freezer friendly meals!!!!

  2. I now know quitting smoking will be harder than you can imagine. I began smoking cigarettes when I was a kid. It absolutely was the most terrible mistake I’ve made. At present 20 years later and I have chronic copd. I tested each one of the stop smoking hints still nothing did the trick. My last try is definitely the e-cigarettes in the end.

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