Works For Me Wednesday: Glad Ovenware

Disclosure: I did not receive anything to do this review or share this product. It is simply a product I have found and love to use and wanted to share with the rest of you!

This week’s edition of Works for Me Wednesday has a bit of a theme: Greatest Tips Edition. Well, this goes RIGHT along with that! The very first WFMW that I wrote was on freezer containers. And guess what, today I wanted to talk to you about a NEW freezer container that I have found. Glad Ovenware. This stuff is AMAZING! Whenever a recipe calls for 8×8 pans, I use these pans now! Why? Because you can freeze in them, you can microwave them, you can put them in the oven AND you can put them in the dishwasher! SCORE! What’s even better is they come with plastic lids which means that I don’t have to mess with foiling the tops of my baking pans. I simply snap on the lid, place my OAMM labels on top and slide them in the freezer. I no longer have to worry about how I am going to stack dishes and keep one pan from collapsing into another. It is awesome! And if I *ahem* forget to defrost a dish? I simply defrost it in the microwave for a few minutes and then place it in the oven for baking. Again, amazing! They are a little more expensive than the foil pans that I use to use but I can wash them and reuse them. I liked the foil pans because that meant that I could easily give the dishes away without worry of getting my pans back. I can still do that with these too if I so choose. They are a bit hard to find in some grocery stores. I have only found them at Kroger around me. You can also purchase them on as well, if you are interested in buying a case. But if you freezer cook as much as I do you will definitely use them. And for more information on other types of freezing containers go back to my original post!

This post is linked up at Works For Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family!


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  1. I loved these when they first came out, but I learned something very quickly: don’t use them if your oven isn’t correct on temperature. I remember the box saying don’t heat about 350. Ok, fine, good, LOL. Did that. But my oven was running 25-50 hotter, and luckily I put the pan on a cookie sheet, because it melted LOL. I still love them, though, and they are great for freezer cooking. 😀

    1. I have used these for a long time. I have baked cakes in them, baked spaghetti in them, and other dishes. I always bake on a cookie sheet. Even my cakes. NEVER melted or any other problems. I wash and reuse them. They’re the best for potluck events.

  2. I love these! I have been using them for my OAMC for several months and have been really pleased. Never had a problem with mine melting, but I usually use a pan under them anyway because it can be a little flimsy when you’re trying to pull out a pan of something heavy. Love them!

  3. I bought a couple of these well over a year ago-I love them. I’ve used them over and over and they keep lasting and lasting. Awesome!

  4. I’ve read the reviews online about these and I’m pretty scared to use these for fear that I do something wrong to screw it up.Anyone have any other tips about what kind of containers to use? Right now I’m using the foil pans, but they don’t stack too well with aluminum foil for tops 🙁 any other suggestions?

    1. In this post I link to my original post on freezer containers. I also put cut up pieces of cardboard between my foil pans to keep them from sinking into one another. Just another idea. You also could start a discussion in the OAMM Connect Forum!

  5. I just used mine stash of Glad Ovenware and they stacked perfectly in the freezer. I did use a cookie sheet under the pan while it was in the oven and had no problem even at 400degrees.

  6. I’m interested in picking some of these up, have you seen them at more stores now, if so where? Football season is a good time to start OAMC if you ask me, I vote the husband chops the onions between plays!

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