Monster Toast

“We made Monster Toast for snack” my 5 year old excitedly exclaimed when I picked him up from preschool today. “Monster Trucks!?” I asked.  It was Letter “M” day at his preschool, and in his excitement the words spilled out so quickly that mamma had to do some interpreting. “No Mom! Monster Toast! And we have the recipe…and we HAVE to make it..and it takes 4 cups of milk…and do you have food coloring?…and you paint a monster face on the bread”  All of this which came out of his mouth in about 2.5 seconds. After preschool, we usually come home, play a bit and then I make lunch.  But of course, they were begging and begging me for Monster Toast!  I had to make a quick trek to the play room to locate some paint brushes, dig through the cupboards to find their desired food colors (Purple, Green, Yellow and Blue) and throw lunch together as well.  In the mean time, my organized mommy brain wanted to tell them…”Let’s just wait til tomorrow…or til afternoon snack…or some other time”.

In 4 small bowls, combine milk and food coloring to create your "paint".

In 4 small bowls, combine milk and food coloring to create your “paint”.

Their pleas were heard…and we had Monster Toast for dessert, and I am so glad I did.  It was one of those times where it was a rushed sort of day, but the joy in their little smiles as they were making them was such a treat.  The preschool had sent a “recipe” card home with each child, so using painters tape, I put it right on the wall next to their little table. It was perfect for them to follow the step by step instructions to creating their Monster Masterpieces.

Monster Toast


Lisa @


2 Slices Bread, any variety


Food Coloring

Paint Brushes

Butter, if desired


In 4 small bowls or cups, pour a dab of milk and 1 drop of food coloring.  Stir.

Following the step-by-step instructions.

Following the step-by-step instructions.

Using paint brushes, paint a monster face on each slice of bread. Toast until golden brown.  Top with butter if desired.  Enjoy!

Freezing Directions:

Not recommended.

Servings: 2


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  1. ooh this looks like fun! is it possible to scan the recipe card they used? With the pictures it looks like a great idea for kids to follow!

    1. Cindy-
      If you go down to the very bottom of the post, after the servings, there is an IMG link that will lead you to the PDF of the recipe card!

  2. OMG. I saw this and had the kids do it while I finished up dinner last night – they had a BLAST. And they ate the whole thing up. Loved it. Definitly doing it again.

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