Questionable dialect and pronunciation was used in the creation of this meal plan! ?

Who knew y’all ? are equally as passionate about how one pronounces thaw as you are about freezing flat or in the round!

Now we know!

We have taken that knowledge and information and created a meal plan PERFECT for all sides of the thall/thaw and flat/round debate!

If you can get past that you’ll find the PERFECT freezer meal plan for making meals ahead whether you prefer to THALLW or NOT!

Freeze flat in bags, freeze in the round – YOU CHOOSE!

Either way you’ll spend 1 hour** assembling 10 recipes for a total of 20 MEALS that will have you easing into the hectic holiday season with dinner DONE!

{insert disclaimer voice-over}

**individual results may vary based on recovery time needed from triggering, ADHD tendencies, actually following OAMM paid membership prep instructions and general physical mobility.

Have no idea what we are talking about? Check out our Facebook Reel (especially the comment section) for the juicy details!

How To Cook This Meal Plan (and Fast!)


Receive access to ALL the cooking documents for these meal plans by becoming a paid Once A Month Meals Member today!*

With a paid membership*, your meal plan comes with:
You’ll receive a freezer cooking meal plan complete with 10 recipes doubled to make 20 meals for the freezer! But don’t worry! We’ve done all the adding, combining, and more with our step-by-step instructions!

Your Meal Plan Comes with:

  1. A Grocery Shopping List organized by category for faster and easier shopping.
  2. Prep Instructions to help you prepare all your ingredients ahead of time.
  3. Step by Step Cooking Day Instructions for fast and efficient freezer cooking.
  4. Individual Recipe Cards with detailed cooking and freezing instructions.
  5. Printable Labels for your freezer bags with thawing and reheating instructions.
  6. A Thaw Sheet for a full list of your menu’s defrosting or reheating instructions.

Adjust the Serving Size!

You can also adjust this meal plan to whatever serving size you need! Freezer Cook for 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 and more (as well as anything in-between!)

*Paid memberships receive the resources listed here. All membership levels (including free) allow you the opportunity to access recipes and build meal plans but resources are only available to paid members.

2 Meal Plans | 2 Different Cooking Methods | 1 Hour** |

Thallw or Not!


Don’t have time to thallw? No worries! Throw these recipes in your Instant Pot from frozen to have for dinner!

See Instant Pot Meal plan »


Want this ready as soon as you’re home? Thaw these recipes out and throw in your slow cooker!

See Slow Cooker Meal plan


Tips for Fast Freezer Cooking


Step 1: Start a FREE Membership

(or Sign In to a Paid Membership)

Free Memberships do not require a credit card. Paid Members skip to Step 4.

Step 2: Explore the OAMM Meal Planning Software

Add the above meal plans to your “My Meal Plans”. Explore Recipes. Make certain that there are recipes that you and/or your family will enjoy.

Step 3: Upgrade from a Free to Paid Membership

Purchasing membership allows you to unlock all of the resources (grocery list, prep list, recipe cards, thaw sheet, labels and more) customized to your needed serving sizes and measurement type.

Step 4: Prep Your Meal Plan

Your success is now in your hands! Set time aside to prep your meal plan and set yourself up for back-to-school success!


Limited Membership $0.00 Sign Up  


Recurring every 3 months $13/month Sign Up $40 paid quarterly
2 Months Free Save $30 a year!


Recurring every 12 months $13/month Sign Up $150 paid annually


Recurring every month $15/month Sign Up $15 paid monthly

Gift Membership to a Friend!

Give the gift of time, and make freezer cooking easier than ever before!

Buy A Gift Card

It’s good food, frozen.

Nothing wasted, and ready when you need it.

Get A Free Mini Meal Plan

Take Once A Month Meals for a test run! Sign up to receive a FREE mini meal plan. You'll receive a freezer cooking meal plan with 3 recipes, plus a grocery shopping list, prep instructions, recipe cards, labels and more.

Try it for FREE today!