Calling All Once A Month Mom Blogs!

It has occurred to me many, many times over the course of the last year or so that so many of you that regular read this blog also have blogs of your own. I see you link to your blogs via comments, sweepstakes entries and Facebook. Yet, we *know* very few of you. We would like that to change! Below you will find a blog link up. We have divided out a couple categories so that we can sort through who does what. Is your blog small? No worries, we still would LOVE for you to share it with us. Do you have recipes on your blog? Even if it is just one we would LOVE for you to link up especially. Who knows, you might find yourself on a future Once A Month Mom menu; we are always looking for great recipes. So here we go. . .

Blogs, with Recipes

Blogs, No Recipes

And if you really love Once A Month Mom and want to include a button on your blog indicating your love or participation here, feel free to grab one of these:  


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  1. Happy Thanksgiving! I used t live in WCO as well! (Actually grew up in Logan Co!) Love the blog! Hubby and I are starting OAM cooking very soon!

  2. Thanks for the link! I love your website and it gives me great meal planning ideas. I’m more a once-a-week-mom but maybe I’ll work up to a month someday!

  3. I just tried the first html code for the button and it didn’t work, no picture showed up. I’ll just copy and paste it on. 🙂

      1. Tricia, I’m having some trouble with that as well. I use blogger. It just shows the white box with red X. Let me know if you have any ideas because I’d love to put the OAMM button on my blog!

        1. I think I have it fixed now if you want to give it a go using what is written in the post now. Sorry about that. . .

  4. I love reading your blog and seeing the recipes but I’ve never done once a month cooking. My blog has three recipes so far but I love very, VERY simple recipes !

  5. Thanks so much for a great idea! I appreciate the opportunity to have some folks stop by and take a peek at my blog. I’m off to peruse some blog links myself, and if you happen to stop by my corner of the web, I’d love to hear from you! 🙂

  6. I linked up to my recipe page. Thanks for the linky! I’m new to Once A Month Mom, and it’s been fun exploring the website. I haven’t done a full month’s cooking, especially this time of year, but I’ve been doubling up some of my meals and freezing the second batch.I tried the second blog button, but couldn’t get it to work on my blog either. I’m using blogger.

  7. This is awesome — I’ll have to check all these blogs out! 🙂 I haven’t done any freezer cooking of any sort in a while, and I’m feeling it!! I’m hoping that after the holiday madness, I can get my freezer stocked up again. It’s taken me a while to figure out what does and doesn’t work for my family, but it sure is nice to have what does work on hand. 🙂

  8. Thanks for the updated code Tricia! For some reason when I was copying into the gadget thing it was adding extra “” and that was throwing it off. I got it under control now 🙂 Thanks again!

  9. Hi,
    I just submitted my site under non-recipes #18. Can you delete it? I made a mistake and I can’t delete it to fix it. Thanks!

  10. Not only does freezer cooking keep me completely sane it has helped me lose 40lbs over this last year. I could not survive without it. I linked up my blog under the blog with recipes category. I put freezer and reheating instructions with every recipe I post.Thanks for the linky.

  11. this is my blog I have just started it. But have put some recipes up more to come in the next few days as I have lots.

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