From the Freezer Trenches

I'm doing the Whole30

Whole30 Journey: Tricia Takes Off

On February 20, 2013 by Tricia

I (Tricia) am taking the Paleo plunge and doing the Whole30 challenge. If you have no clue what that is, come find out. If you have done it or plan to do it, let’s encourage each other! Here are my goals and first week of meal planning to get me started.

Kelly's Paleo Lifestyle

Kelly’s Paleo Lifestyle

On November 19, 2012 by Erin Fullam

Hear how Kelly and her family benefitted from changing to a Primal/Caveman “diet”. Not to mention, an exciting announcement from OAMM!

Once A Month Mom’s Calling to Single Parents

On August 16, 2012 by Tricia

It isn’t too often that I open up my heart in this space instead of my cookbook, but today I am going to do just that. If you are looking for a recipe, you will likely be disappointed. If you like a good story, settle in and let’s talk.

Ryan Gosling photo

Friday Fun: Hey Girl

On June 8, 2012 by Erin Fullam

My co-workers know how much I love chocolate, and that I need it daily. They bought me some Dove Promises the other day. They have little messages in the wrappers that make me smile. Today’s read “Indulge in your sense of amusement.” So I am.

No Fail Bread

On April 2, 2010 by Tricia

Reader Stephanie offered to send me a no fail bread idea when she heard of my failed attempts at bread making! I, of course, said yes. I think this bread would be a great addition to your Easter dinner. And apparently, you can’t fail at it! That’s the best news I have heard all day.

April 2010 Meal Plan – April Fool’s!

On April 1, 2010 by Erin Fullam

**UPDATE: This post is an April Fool’s Day 2010 joke – PLEASE do not attempt to cook these recipes!** It’s time for a new Once A Month Meals menu! I can hardly believe it is April already and that the Easter…

My Cooking Story – February 2010

On March 4, 2010 by Tricia

It felt so good to be back doing once a month cooking again! It has been nearly 6 months folks. Here is a recap of my cooking day. And some yummy pictures too!

Once A Month Mom (Meals) Cook-Off

We’re Getting Ready to Get Our Cook-Off

On February 25, 2010 by Tricia

We are drawing near the last few days of February. It is so hard to believe this celebration month is coming to a close. As you know, I  have partnered with Amy from Amy’s Finer Things for this adventure and…

The Finer Things in Life

Finer Things

On February 12, 2010 by Tricia

Dear me, where is February slipping away too? I suppose with all the fun I have been having it is quickly slipping through my fingers. Almost two weeks ago I mentioned that  Amy from Amy’s Finer Things is partnering with…

Eat From The Pantry (Freezer) Challenge

On December 30, 2009 by Tricia

When Crystal from Money Saving Mom tweeted that she and Jessica from Life As Mom were hosting a Eat from the Pantry Challenge I knew I was all in. Here is their plan and my plan for the month of January.

The Ground Beef Fiasco

On December 16, 2009 by Tricia

One reader tells her tail of purchasing 80 lbs of ground beef to save money and stock her freezer. See how she did it and how you can save money doing the same.

November: Cooking Stories

On November 3, 2009 by Tricia

I usually wait until the end of the month to post the link for people to share their cooking stories. However, I know of at least one person doing their cooking today for the November menu so I wanted to get the post up early. Come link up after you’re done cooking.

October: Cooking Stories

On October 23, 2009 by Tricia

Many of you have mentioned already doing your October cooking. It looks like I am going to have to make this post early in the month so that you early birds can share all of your wisdom with the rest of us! It is so great to see so many joining us.

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