Meal Plan Monday

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Vegetarian Family Edition

On March 26, 2012 by Tricia

Our (Kristi’s) family had a bit of a family emergency this month, so the kids and I packed up to visit Grandma. This sent our menu plans into a bit of a tizzy since my mom isn’t quite as far along the Get Real spectrum as we are at our house. I’ll admit I get a little mopey every time I speak to my husband over Skype…and not just because I miss him, but also because I can see my beautiful stand mixer and food processor in the background.

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Crazy Vegetarian Family Edition

On February 27, 2012 by Tricia

The vegetarian family’s menu plan for a hectic family week at the end of February, including homemade pizzas, tacos with homemade tortillas and those delicious healthy breakfast cookies!

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Gluten Free Edition

On February 20, 2012 by Tricia

Cauliflower is the theme for the Gluten Free Menu Swap this week. How do you like to fix cauliflower for your family?

Meal Plan Monday: After Vacation

On February 13, 2012 by Tricia

Re-entry from vacation can be difficult, thank goodness I planned and cooked ahead using the Mini Menus so I didn’t have to worry about cooking in between the loads of laundry!

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Clear the Fridge

On February 6, 2012 by Tricia

For our meals this week I’m trying to use up items that I already have in the fridge, plus looking forward to an at-home date night on Friday.

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday – Vegetarian Get Real Edition

On January 23, 2012 by Tricia

Our family is following along with Get Real this year and we’re making great progress so far. It’s pretty exciting and, as we’ve discovered, an even tastier experience than we expected. This week’s vegetarian menu plan includes Pumpkin Black Bean Enchiladas and Baked Seitan Pepperoni Pizza.

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday

On January 9, 2012 by Tricia

I am gearing up for a OAMM cooking day, so trying to clear out my deep freezer and my fridge freezer of things that need to be eaten!

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Vegetarian Post-Holiday Edition

On December 26, 2011 by Tricia

It’s another post-holiday week and it’s also gearing toward the start of the new year, when many of us will renew pledges of healthy eating. I for one, am excited to wrap up my 2011 New Year’s Resolution, 365 days of converting family favorites into vegetarian meals over at Veggie Converter, this week.