Meal Plan Monday

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Whole Foods Hectic Edition

On December 12, 2011 by Erin Fullam

We’re making good progress, but it sure does impede on my dinner plans since I’m corralling the toddler and trying to get food on the table. Yet again we’re relying on freezer meals to get us through!

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Crazy Holiday Celebrating Edition

On December 5, 2011 by Tricia

Between the cookie baking and holiday gatherings with friends and families I not only have little time to cook, we are barely around enough to eat that which I have cooked.

Meal Plan Monday: Whole Foods Edition

On November 14, 2011 by Erin Fullam

With sickness brewing like a tornado, a limp puppy and a third trimester pregnant mama, we’re really leaning on our freezer this week!

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Fall Edition

On October 31, 2011 by Tricia

What’s on our plate this busy, busy week. . .inspiring fall food ideas for yours too.

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: VeganMoFo Edition

On October 24, 2011 by Tricia

October is Vegetarian month and also VeganMoFo (Vegan Month of Food), where more than 800 bloggers pledge to post vegan meals throughout the month.

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Gluten Free Dairy Free Laundry Edition

On October 17, 2011 by Tricia

I feel fortunate to have plenty of dinners in the freezer to get me through the week. It is nice not to have to scramble for dinner (and my kids’ lunches) as soon as we get back from vacation!

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Whole Foods Edition

On October 10, 2011 by Erin Fullam

Once A Month Mom saved me this week when I realized that we had no school today! Come see our plan for the week.

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Vegetarian Fall Flavors Edition

On September 26, 2011 by Tricia

Fall and Winter and all those harvest holidays can be difficult for vegetarians (and I can’t imagine how tough for vegans) without a lot of forethought and preparation.

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Whole Foods Edition

On September 12, 2011 by Erin Fullam

It’s going to be a busy week with family in town, a birthday and a party this weekend. Come see what we’ll be having at our house!

Meal Plan Monday – Traditional Edition

On September 5, 2011 by Tricia

Weekly meal planning has become a priority for me because when I have a plan it saves me from wondering what to make when that “evil dinner hour” hits.

Meal Plan Monday – Vegetarian Edition

On August 22, 2011 by Tricia

Now that the kids are both old enough to eat nearly anything we do, I decided to make a change. I challenged myself to convert a meatless meal from a family favorite recipe each day this year over at Veggie Converter. While creating a new meal every day is difficult, life has been so much better now that we’re all eating the same thing!