Tricia’s Baking Day – Day 2

Tricia's Whole30 Journey Once a Month Meals founder, Tricia, shares her adventures doing a freezer friendly baking day in two parts.

Yesterday, I made pumpkin puree and apple pie kits as part of #bakingday. Today, I still had some energy and felt like baking, so I decided to make a few final things at the last minute. The best part of the whole day was that my 14 month-old even decided he wanted to participate! He came out, got his bowl, and asked to get up in his highchair. I put him at the table with a bowl, spoon and measuring utensil and he played and watched me as I went. That is until it was his nap time. So cute! Here is what I decided to do:

1. Pumpkin Butterscotch Chip Muffins

I had the pumpkin puree to use up from yesterday so I decided on a double batch. I loved these with the butterscotch chips last time I made them, but Money Saving Mom’s post using regular chocolate chips also intrigued me. So I made a double batch of the recipe and separated the batter into two bowls prior to adding the chips. I then added butterscotch chips to one batch and chocolate chips to the other. I figure my husband will like the chocolate chip ones better anyway.

2. Deconstructed Chicken & Cheese Broccoli Casserole

I had this planned on my menu for Saturday but figured I could scrounge up the ingredients and make a batch for tonight and freeze some since I had the time and ambition. I didn’t have quite the amount of broccoli that I needed but I figure I will just cook more the night I serve this. They turned out great and now we have two extras for the freezer!

3. Banana Sour Cream Muffins

These are my husbands FAVORITE! My freezer inventory indicated that I had 25 frozen bananas that needed to be used. Since I was feeling good and the oven was on I decided to make a double batch of these too. I probably could have done with a single batch but I wanted to use up 12 of the bananas and free up some freezer space so I doubled it. I made muffins out of the first batch and bread out of the second. We now have 36 muffins and 5 loaves of bread! That should last him until at least next week!

At the conclusion of my day, I was starting to feel some tightness (Braxton-Hicks) in my belly, so I decided I had overdone it. Just then my mom showed up to help me out with Isaac (in exchange for a little help on her job search too). That was a HUGE God-send. It was a great day and I am happy I accomplished so much. My freezer is officially off the charts F.U.L.L.

See my accomplishments for baking day, day 1!

Tricia's baking day in two parts

Little man getting in on the baking day action!

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