Once a month cooking (OAMC) and food allergies

On June 24, 2009 by Erin Fullam

**We now have allergen friendly menus and ability to search Menu Builder for recipes to help you!** Nearly a month ago a reader, Tara, wrote me to say that she was excited to see the site but was also dealing…

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday – FAIL!

On June 21, 2009 by Tricia

Um, yea, you probably have noticed a lack of menu planning around these parts lately. I looked and it seems that the last time I posted a Menu Plan Monday was back on April 20th. YIKES! I’m trying to get back in the saddle, so to speak, this week.

Loving the weekly fresh produce

On June 10, 2009 by Tricia

We have started getting fresh produce delivered to our house weekly. It is amazing. See how and what we are doing with all of this fresh stuff. . .and of course, don’t forget to come in and link over to the Social Luxe Blog awards to vote OAMM as Tastiest Food Blog – we need your help!

May menu: Hints and other tales

On May 29, 2009 by Tricia

The recap from May that I know you have all been waiting for. Sorry, it has been a busy month for many.

full freezer

Less than perfect cooking once a month

On May 7, 2009 by Tricia

If you aren’t quite ready for Once A Month Mom style cooking perhaps you could get a start doing a few things to help make dinner time easier at your house. Guest blogger Mary talks about how she has gotten her toes wet with bulk cooking.

OAMC with Angel Food Ministries

On May 4, 2009 by Tricia

No matter what your food budget or your grocery means, there are lots of ways to do once a month cooking. You don’t have to buy your groceries through a traditional grocery store to make it work. Here is a reader that can tell you more about she is gotten creative on a tight budget.

This is how we swap it

On April 30, 2009 by Tricia

Have you thought about doing a meal swap with friends or neighbors? A reader has started one and wants to share with you how she organizes and plans for a local meal swap with friends.

OAMC with Only a Refrigerator Freezer

On April 29, 2009 by Tricia

If you don’t own a stand-alone freezer you have probably asked yourself if this Once A Month Meals stuff can be done with just a refrigerator freezer. I have been doubtful but MJ proved me wrong this last month. Here is a great recap from a woman who made it happen!

Extension – A great OAMC resource!

On April 28, 2009 by Tricia

I have had the privilege of working for two Extension programs in two different states: Ohio and Georgia. One of the things that I am all too aware of is that many people have no idea that there is a local Extension office near them and that they have lots of resources for you, your family, and your kitchen. Today, Jamie tells us about their services and how you can benefit from getting to know your local Extension office better.

Is Bulk Really Better?

On April 27, 2009 by Tricia

Have you ever wondered if the deal you are getting on that giant box of macaroni and cheese is a good deal? A reader answers the question today of whether buying in bulk will really save you money.

OAMM cooking

April Once A Month Mom Cooking Stories

On April 23, 2009 by Tricia

Did you do an April Once A Month Mom menu and cooking day? If so, we would love to hear about it. Also, bookmark this page and stop back often for the latest updates from readers completing their April cooking.

April Cooking Recap – TONS of food!

On April 23, 2009 by Tricia

I can hardly believe that Cortney and I did another cooking day. Except now I have an overflowing freezer to prove it so there is no denying. Here is a recap of what we found to work, an not work so well on this month’s menu.

Menu Plan Monday

Tricia’s Meal Plan Monday – 4/20

On April 19, 2009 by Tricia

This is likely to be a pretty crazy week. We have lots of little things left to do to prepare for our first family vacation. So using up things in the freezer and keeping it simple are our goals.

Mexican Grilled Cheese

On April 16, 2009 by Tricia

A few weeks ago when we were scheduled to have Taco Soup for lunch I decided that I needed a “Mexican” accompaniment. So, I came up with a grilled cheese that I have originally named “Mexican Grilled Cheese”. It was really yummy though. Here is the recipe.