Copycat Chocolate Chip Eggo Waffles

Copycat Chocolate Chip Eggo Waffles

Copycat Chocolate Chip Eggo WafflesIt is my kids and their waffles which inspired this Copycat Chocolate Chip Eggo Waffles recipe. They specifically love chocolate chip waffles. So several months ago while perusing the grocery store I spotted a box of Eggo Chocolate Chip waffles on sale, and thought my kids might just think I was the world’s greatest mom if made those for breakfast. I was right. Then they asked for them the next morning. And the next morning. And the next morning.

When we started going through a jumbo box in less than a week, I knew we needed to find another solution, especially after the sale ended. So I ordered a waffle iron (I had been wanting one anyway) and got to work coming up with a recipe that would pass the test.

I’ll be honest, this was the third version we tried and was by far the most popular. The greatest part about these? The kids now reject the store-bought ones. They ask me for “square waffles, not the circle ones” now. Yay! I am sure in a crunch they will have Eggo’s again, but it is nice to know that mom can make that they prefer!

So what about the price? I estimated that my version costs about 23 cents per waffle (not bad if you ask me!) Eggo runs between $4 and $5 a box depending on sales, making them at least 40 cents per waffle. So you are basically cutting your costs in half and cutting out all of the mystery ingredients.

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