How To Cut A Whole Chicken

**This post is part of the Get Real series. Please remember that this is meant as a learning community. We know that many of you are passionate about what you do and we want you to express that, just please do so in a way that will be an encouragement and aid to others making a transition. We want this to be a “safe space” for participants to learn. For that reason, we reserve the right to delete any comments that are not handled in this manner.

When I purchase chicken for my family I almost always buy a whole chicken.  It’s cheaper, it goes further, and it is more useful.  I have a favorite chicken farmer from whom I almost always purchase my chicken.  When I can’t make it to the farmer’s market, I will only buy organic chicken from one of the brands that I have already researched.  After reading this incredible book a couple of years back, the way I buy animal products changed very much.  If you are interested in reading about the way animals are farmed in our country, I recommend you read it.

Here is the way I cut my chicken when I buy it whole:

1. Cut between the thigh and the leg cut chicken between thigh and leg remove chicken leg from whole bird 2. Separate the leg and the thigh separate chicken leg from thigh 3. Separate the wing and the breast separate chicken wing from breast 4. Cut down the breast bone, and around the back of each breast. remove breasts from whole chicken 5. As you cut, be sure to save the scraps and bones for making stock (bones, neck, liver, heart, gizzard, etc.)

Using the leftovers:

Follow our recipe for Homemade Chicken Stock and use it right away in recipes or on your cooking day, or store it in freezer-safe containers and freeze for a warming, yummy winter soup. Instead of using them for stock, you may choose to cook and serve your organ meats.  You could simply saute them in butter and eat them or get creative with them.  I would caution you, however, to consider whether or not you want to eat non-organic chicken organs.  The liver especially is the organ that detoxes and filters out all the toxins from the chicken’s body.  If your chicken is not organic, it is quite likely that the chicken liver is full of chemicals of all sorts (pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, hormones, who-knows-what).  Just something to consider.

If you choose not to purchase a whole chicken, consider which other cuts of the chicken you can purchase for a lesser price and still get the same nutritious, tasty results.  Chicken thighs are less expensive (and quite often on sale) than the coveted breast but still taste just as good.

**I do have to confess that although I buy a whole chicken, I have now started purchasing a whole chicken already cut up by my favorite farmer.  Honestly, I have a difficult time with animal carcasses.  I have told my husband that someday I may be a vegetarian.  😉

When you purchase chicken, do you prefer to buy a whole bird or just a particular part of the bird?  What are some ways you resourcefully use all of the parts?

September Week 2 Action Item:OAMM Get Real Series

Each week we will try to give you some simple action steps to put this journey into practice. It is important that you start this journey by understanding yourself, your goals, and perhaps your obstacles.
  1. If you’ve never purchased a whole chicken, give the above technique a try!  Spend some time at the grocery comparing the costs of different cuts and parts of the chicken.  Could you substitute your usual breast purchase for other cuts?

September Get Real:

Please take a moment to thank our guest authors by clicking over to their sites and/or liking them on Facebook and/or Twitter.

Sponsor:  Once A Month Meals

Guest Author: Gudrun of Kitchen Gadget Girl



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