Freeze It Forward 2018

Freeze it Forward for 2018

At the heart of our company is the desire to help others, and to empower our community to serve.

We love to encourage you to “Freeze it Forward” in small ways with your freezer meals. We’ve been given a lot, and we want to give back because of our abundance.

We all know someone who might be walking through a difficult or challenging season, or simply might be overwhelmed – single parents, foster/adoptive parents, new parents, military families, families experiencing economic hardship, compromised health, or even a nonprofit organization.

Well friend, we are ready and prepared to help equip you to help them. And we’re ready to do it in a BIG way!

We want to give away memberships so you can gift meals!

apply today

Apply and Nominate!

Getting started is simple. Simply submit an application nominating yourself or for someone you know to receive a yearly Once A Month Meals membership, totally free! Seriously, it’s that simple.

Do you know someone who is…

  • Having Money Troubles? Do they need help balancing the grocery budget, or making ends meet?
  • Starting a New Diet? Do they need help to improve their health and wellness? Or did they have to start a new diet because of a recent diagnosis?
  • Giving Back? Do they have the desire to feed their community, but needs the tools to expand that?
  • Part of an Organization? Are they part of an organization that helps provide meals and assistance to those in need?
  • A New Mom? Give this to her in advance so she can stock her freezer before the baby comes! Or make meals for her!
  • Just Got Married? Help a newlywed learn to cook as they transition into a new stage of life!
  • Moving? In the Military? Help a family who recently moved into the area with meals as they transition to a new place.
  • Started A New Job? Help them meal plan in their transition.
  • Is Going Back-to-School? Teachers, bus drivers, graduate students & beyond appreciate support in healthy, at home eating
  • Struggling with Sickness? Show love and support to someone with an illness.
  • Elderly? Do you know an elderly couple, or single who’s lives would be easier with a few extra meals ready?
  • Single? Is there a single in your life pulling double duty? Work during the day and school at night? Help assist with dinner my providing them a few meals.

Tell us their story!

We want to Freeze it Forward, and we want it to start with you! Tell us what a Once A Month Meals membership would mean for someone you know or an organization in your community.



How to Get Started

If you plan on bringing or gifting someone meals, using our system and membership to make it easy!

Our system automatically doubles each recipe, yielding two meals. You can always keep one and share one when you cook a menu. It’s also easy to customize serving sizes to share with a big family or to create single serving meals – whichever serves your purpose better. Single servings are particularly helpful for those who are ill or who live alone.

Easy Meals to Gift for Friends!

These meals and meal plans are delicious, have simple ingredients, and are fast and easy to assemble!



Using Once A Month Meals to Prepare a Large Quantity Fresh Meals

There are a variety of ways that you can use Once A Month Meals to serve and we wanted to provide you with a few resources to think about to make this effective for your community. Below are some posts with suggestions for economical meals and/or menus that you can use to make food go a long way.

If you are not freezer cooking, but instead, taking the meals to be eaten right away, here are a few tricks:

  • Make Lunches: Pick all LUNCHES (these are meals that are cooked on cooking day), this way you can use the grocery list, prep lists and cooking instructions to plan and execute your day.
  • Our Recipes Double: Remember, our system doubles servings so if you are taking food to a location for workers and there will be 20 workers, set your serving size to 10.
  • Contact Us: Our team is always ready, willing and able to help you build a menu that will work for your time and resources available. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us in a chat (the orange icon in your bottom right hand corner of your screen) or via email at or on any of our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc)!

Economical Meal Planning Resources:

Previous Freeze it Forward Posts

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Take Once A Month Meals for a test run! Sign up to receive a FREE mini meal plan. You'll receive a freezer cooking meal plan with 3 recipes, plus a grocery shopping list, prep instructions, recipe cards, labels and more.

Try it for FREE today!
