Spicy BLTA Manwich
On June 21, 2010 by Tricia
My husband is somewhat of a Sandwich Maestro. This, by far is his favorite creation to date.
On June 21, 2010 by Tricia
My husband is somewhat of a Sandwich Maestro. This, by far is his favorite creation to date.
On June 21, 2010 by Tricia
This last week was a bit of a whirlwind. I am sad to see that we ate out WAY more than I would have liked, but what are you going to do? Hopefully this next week will be better for us.
On June 13, 2010 by Tricia
This is our menu from the past week. I did a bit more cooking and documenting so there are some wonderful recipes in store for the coming weeks. And this week is a busy one.
On June 7, 2010 by Tricia
This is what we had to eat last week while we were on vacation. We took a selection of frozen meals in a cooler which made meal preparation super easy (and affordable)!
On June 4, 2010 by Tricia
Basil is a herb that I always have growing somewhere in one of my flower beds or garden. And it is so great to have fresh basil at your fingertips for a recipe. Here is the latest look at yields and equivalents for a fresh herb.
On May 31, 2010 by Tricia
First, Happy Memorial Day! I hope you are enjoying the unofficial kickoff weekend of the summer! I know that we are as we vacation in the Outer Banks of North Carolina (Come on sunny weather)! As a reminder, I am…
On May 28, 2010 by Tricia
We all knew this one was coming didn’t we? Have we ever done a Once A Month Mom menu without chicken on it? I don’t think so! Chicken is a major staple in our diets, so you should be seeing it on menus for a long time to come.
On May 25, 2010 by Tricia
Most of you are gearing up for some sort of “WELCOME SUMMER” Memorial Day Weekend picnic so I thought it would be a great time to remind you of some great recipes that would be crowd pleas-ers this weekend!0
On May 24, 2010 by Tricia
I have been cooking up a storm this week. Trying new things. Experimenting. Trying to make the best use of my happy box fresh produce goods.
On May 21, 2010 by Tricia
Sliced & Diced continues with a look at cilantro today. It is a part of the last few Once A Month Mom menus so it is definitely timely.
On May 17, 2010 by Tricia
Did this week go by already? I can hardly believe it is the middle of May! Given our crazy busy week I was happy to see that we did well on our eating in – well, sort of. Here is what we had last week for dinner. . .
On May 10, 2010 by Tricia
Okay, so maybe this doing your menu thing retro style is a little more revealing than I want it to be. I suppose it also keeps me humble and headed to on track though.
On May 3, 2010 by Tricia
I have decided to write my Menu Plan Monday as a RECAP from now on. I will be writing about what we had LAST week. It will still give you inspiration for your menus as well as let you see what it is that we are eating (and if I really use freezer meals).
On April 26, 2010 by Tricia
The week before a new menu comes out is always a busy one. It is weeks like this one that makes me so happy to have meals waiting for me in my freezer.
On April 23, 2010 by Tricia
This Sliced & Diced is looking at raw beef versus cooked ground beef equivalents. This is a great resource for your Once A Month cooking days.