Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday – March 22, 2010

On March 21, 2010 by Tricia

Wow, the last week has been a whirlwind. A good whirlwind but a whirlwind. I am currently on my way to San Jose, California to visit Ebay headquarters and home of Kijiji. More on all of that later. But needless to say our menu is a little bit altered because of that.

sliced and diced fruits vegetables herbs meats

Introduction: Sliced & Diced

On March 19, 2010 by Tricia

Creating monthly menus can be a bit of a challenge.It is possible though. Today I want to introduce you to a new series that will help us to be more consistent in our measurements when cooking bulk items like vegetables, meats, rice, pasta, etc.

homemade noodles

Oodles of Noodles

On March 15, 2010 by Tricia

My husband requested that I make a family favorite that included making your own noodles. I had never, ever considered making my own noodles. Until now.

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday – March 15, 2010

On March 15, 2010 by Tricia

I’m not going to lie, the next two weeks are going to be pure insanity around here! I have lots of great things to use up in the freezer with another cooking day quickly approaching so I am sure that we will be well fed. Here is what is on the agenda this week. . .

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday – March 8, 2010

On March 8, 2010 by Tricia

Ah, to have a freezer full of ready to go meals after completing my February 2010 Cooking Day. At any rate, we are starting to dig into our February meals which is very exciting to me!

My Cooking Story – February 2010

On March 4, 2010 by Tricia

It felt so good to be back doing once a month cooking again! It has been nearly 6 months folks. Here is a recap of my cooking day. And some yummy pictures too!

Freezing Bananas

On March 3, 2010 by Tricia

Thanks everyone who submitted recipes and ideas for ripe bananas! What I hadn’t thought of when I did that post is that readers might be interested in how I freeze bananas.

Once A Month Mom (Meals) Cook-Off

We’re Getting Ready to Get Our Cook-Off

On February 25, 2010 by Tricia

We are drawing near the last few days of February. It is so hard to believe this celebration month is coming to a close. As you know, I  have partnered with Amy from Amy’s Finer Things for this adventure and…

Works for Me Wednesday

Works For Me Wednesday – Manager’s Special

On February 24, 2010 by Tricia

One of my strategies for getting meat (and a few other products) cheap for our Once A Month Mom menus, is to find manager’s special’s. Here is a special trick I use for getting cheap meats.

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday – February 22, 2010

On February 22, 2010 by Tricia

We are nearing the end of the month which means I need to work really hard at getting the rest of our freezer meals eaten so that we have room for the February 2010 Menu items that we will be making in the coming week.

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday – February 15, 2010

On February 15, 2010 by Tricia

I am finally getting back in the kitchen and cooking some more which has felt GREAT! Here is what we have on the menu:

The Finer Things in Life

Finer Things

On February 12, 2010 by Tricia

Dear me, where is February slipping away too? I suppose with all the fun I have been having it is quickly slipping through my fingers. Almost two weeks ago I mentioned that  Amy from Amy’s Finer Things is partnering with…