First Foods (6-9+ Month) Fall Baby Food Meal Plan

first foods baby menu

This baby food meal plan is geared toward fall foods/harvest. At younger ages, it is harder to have much variety as you are likely still introducing new tastes and combinations. If you are JUST starting to feed your child baby food you will want to start with a basic 4-6 month meal plan with NO mixed vegetables. We hope that you and your little one enjoy this fall feast.

Baby Food Carrot Puree

Carrot Puree






First Foods Fall Menu PDF Documents

They will look different than our normal Once A Month Meals meal plan. We have them set to a standard amount to feed one baby/toddler. Reach out to us and we will be happy to send these to you as an added benefit for being a member. They don’t scale properly in our system so we don’t have them in our Menu Builder system, so please reach out to us at info@onceamonthmeals. Let us know you would like the First Foods Fall Meal Plan.


The attached labels will print four to a page and line up with Avery 8168/5168 labels or equivalent.


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Are you new to Once A Month Meals or once a month cooking (oamc) in general? If so, you might want to spend a few minutes (or hours) on the Get Started Series. If you are in a real hurry to catch on we have written some simple steps for getting started. Welcome!

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To see what we’ve covered in the series already and what’s ahead check the links below!


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  1. Miss you last night. Hope you are feeling better today. I am on the process of learning cooking 101 for Keira’s baby food and reading this blog is a good start :). I need a steamer, do you have any suggestions?

  2. I LOVE the menu and I am sure my little man will also. Thank You so much for putting this all together with a shopping list and everything.

  3. I just found your site today through Money Saving Mom and I am so excited! I plan to use this menu to get a large supply of food made for my 7 month old baby girl! Thanks for such a great resource!!!;) Carisa

  4. I just started feeding my twins rice cereal and was researching making homemade baby food. We like to save money because twins are expensive! This is the best site I have found. I am a big spreadsheet, list, instruction maker myself. I’m so happy to have found someone who did the work for me! I look forward to making baby food for the twins!

    1. Welcome! I am glad you like it. I am a spreadsheet queen. Although the Baby Food side needs a little work in that department. We are working on doing some updates soon!

  5. What do I use the unsalted butter and chicken broth for? They are on the grocery list but I don’t see them in the instructions.Thank you for doing this it helps those who are less organized be able to complete this without feeling overwhelmed.

  6. I’ve made baby food for 4 grandchildren now & love this website for new ideals! I use my steamer for almost everything=then food processor or food mill. Baby water for stage 1 food to thin, then stage 2 I’ll use baby fruit juice. Thanks for the site!

  7. Thanks for the tip on not mixing vegetables. I really didn’t know what I was doing wrong, until I read this.For how long should I not feed mixed vegetables?

  8. The PDF file that downloads for the fall 6-8 months foods is the early start baby food file. Is this correct, or am I missing something?

    1. Thanks for bringing that to our attention, Sarah. We’ll get that fixed as soon as possible. In the meantime I’ll email you the PDF for this fall menu.

  9. Hello! I love your page and never noticed that you had baby stuff until now. When I go to download the 6-9 month it comes up 4-6 months. Do you have another link that I should be using. Thank you so much for all this information, as a new mom I am completely lost and a little behind without knowing it!

    1. Hey Alissa, we’d love to help! However, which menu in particular are you referencing? We’d love for you to pop into chat! We’re in the bottom right hand corner and are happy to help! Congratulations on your little one 🙂

    1. Hi Wanda,
      I am sending you an email. I apologize for the confusion. We removed the baby food meal plans from menu builder as they became very confusing and weren’t scaling correctly in their portions. As a member though I am happy to send you this! I will send it to your email.

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