Sliced & Diced: Fresh Herbs – Basil

sliced diced fresh herbs basilBasil is an herb that I always have growing somewhere in one of my flower beds or garden. It is nearly impossible to kill which means that I actually stand a chance of surviving around our place. And it is so great to have fresh basil at your fingertips for a recipe. Sometimes I just go and pluck off a leaf to smell its aromatic goodness. *sniff* aaaahhhhh. At any rate. In the winter, or if you aren’t growing any, it is not readily available in the garden so I have to purchase it at the store. For this post, I purchased a “bunch” from my local grocer and prepped it. Hopefully, this will help you get a feel for how much basil you would need for any given recipe. Here are the results I came up with:

sliced diced fresh herbs basil

And our favorite OAMM recipes using basil?


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  1. I have basil in my garden right now! I’ve made caprese salad a couple times- instead of stacking the tomato, basil and fresh mozzarella slices, I like to dice everything in little cubes, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salad and pepper.I’m also on the lookout for pinenuts to make some pesto- basil, olive oil, pinenuts, parmesean. I bought some gnocchi that I want to serve with pesto.Your burgers sound great!

  2. I love basil. I have a friend who grows it and I am always telling her to send over her extra for me. I want to make some pesto here too, I haven’t done that yet!

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