Sliced & Diced: Ground Beef

sliced diced ground beef equivalentsOh how we love to cook some ground beef. And by love, I mean, have to. I love to cook mine in the slow cooker to make cooking it quick and easy. The thing is, I get so many questions about how many pounds of raw ground beef equals how many cups of cooked beef. It is a very good question, but one I found very little help answering. I have Swagbuck’ed it many times and never come up with a result that fits what we need. After all, when you are cooking 10 pounds of ground beef, you really do need to know how many cups it will result in so that you can correctly portion it among your dishes. The thing is, the quantity of cooked meat from raw meat can vary by the fat content of the meat as well. That is why we are doing this Sliced & Diced on ground beef. (Please note that I know many of you use ground turkey and I will include the amounts for raw versus cooked ground turkey in a future post). Here are my results:sliced diced ground beef equivalents Interesting, huh? Won’t this be a great resource for your next cooking day? I hope so! From now on I will be using the GROUND CHUCK measurements to indicate the amount of cooked beef that will be needed in recipes for our Once A Month Meals menus. Looking for ground beef recipes? We have many, but here are a few favorites:



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  1. I just found your site and it is wonderful. However, in the above you mention that you batch cook your ground beef in the slow cooker and then freeze it for other things (tacos, etc.). This may be a dumb question…but do you just put ground beef in the slow cooker and then cook it?? I’ve never browned ground beef this way. Thank you-Wendy

    1. You can but it might be a little different in terms of fat/yields. I need to do a post on ground turkey too! 🙂

  2. After I’m done cooking my ground meat — 1/2 beef & 1/2 lean pork. I put it in sandwich baggies, which is about 1 to 2 lbs per baggie depending how full you fill your baggies. this is super handy to have these baggies of cooked meat in your freezer.

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