sliced diced strawberries

Sliced & Diced: Strawberries

On May 21, 2011 by Tricia

When you get a pint or quart of strawberries how much does it yield. And what if they are sliced or diced? This post will answer your questions. Link up your favorite strawberry containing recipes as well.

sliced diced asparagus

Sliced & Diced: Asparagus

On May 14, 2011 by Tricia

This week we are talking about asparagus. How many branches are in a bunch? How many cups does a bunch yield? And more.

Freezing Yogurt

On May 11, 2011 by Tricia

If the yogurt deals are particularly good or you just can’t use it before the expiration date, freeze it!

sliced diced fruits vegetables bacon ground beef

Sliced & Diced: Is Coming Back!

On May 7, 2011 by Tricia

We are finally finding some time to get back to the Sliced & Diced Series and hope that you will consider joining us and linking up. Come see how you can!

Mexican Grilled Cheese

OAMM los favoritos de Cinco de Mayo

On May 4, 2011 by Erin Fullam

Cinco de Mayo is a wonderful opportunity to gather around your table and celebrate the cultures that make up this wonderful country of ours! To help you celebrate we’ve put together a few of our favorite recipes for you to enjoy!

Is OAMM Worth It?

On May 2, 2011 by Tricia

Of course, I would tell you it is worth it, I’m the author after all. But what about the reader, the working mom, the busy-scheduled dad with no time to cook meals, the family who needs to save money? What would they say.

Meal Plan Monday – The Frazzled Edition

On May 2, 2011 by Tricia

A frazzling end to the week which makes for a bit of a disjointed start to the menu plan. Here is what I whipped up from what we have on hand.

Celebrate Mom

Mother’s Day Gift Guide for the Dieting Mom

On May 2, 2011 by Tricia

Is the mom in your life on a diet or trying to be more healthy and you are struggling with what to get them for Mother’s Day because your usual gifts will only add pounds, not subtract them? Try some of these gifts instead!

Celebrate Mom

Mother’s Day Gift Guide for the Whole Foods Mom

On April 28, 2011 by Erin Fullam

Instead of nagging my husband about what I want, I’ve put together my top ten list of things I already own or salivate over. Items that I feel best accent the Whole Foods OAMM or any OAMM!

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