Sliced & Diced: Celery

sliced diced celery equivalentsCelery. Such an ordinary vegetable don’t you think? If you ask me celery is like the side-kick of vegetables. It is often in recipes but never usually the feature. Well, unless you count ants on a log! But if you are over the age of say, 8 and don’t have children, it isn’t going to be the main feature of your dinner. Now aren’t you feeling sorry for celery. After all, it is not as cool, as say, mushrooms, or artichokes or potatoes even. Just celery. But it is in A LOT of the meals we prepare. I personally love the crunch of celery in my dishes. It tends to lose that when it freezes which makes me sad. To avoid that issue we only usually use celery in dishes where it is cooked and mushy anyway. Well, except for the Buffalo Chicken Salad and you HAVE TO have celery in that, in my opinion, crunch or no crunch. On to the research. Here is what I got when measuring:

sliced diced chopped celery equivalents

So we will be going with these measurements from now on in our cooking day totals. And as for celery, it might not be an exciting ingredient but it is in some of my favorite Once A Month Mom recipes. Here are a few to note:

Recipes Using Celery:

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